How to Stop Hard Water from Damaging Your Home and Save $1200 a Year

In a housing market still struggling to recover from the economic recession, most homeowners are concerned with keeping the values of their home up, and their energy bills down.
And, while people focus on energy costs, few realize that a typical household can waste
hundreds of dollars in inefficient performance of appliances and up to 12,000 gallons of water annually.  If you’re one of the 85 percent of homes with hard water, you’re probably one of them.
Luckily, there is something you can do about it.
Hard water is a problem because it has high mineral content.  This leads to limescale buildup when calcium and magnesium minerals from the water attach to pipes and heating coils. Limescale will continue to grow inside pipes and heating coils, but you won’t realize it until it restricts your water flow and reduces heat-transferring capability in your appliances.
Mineral limescale buildup can cost homeowners a lot of money if left unattended.  That’s because your appliances expend more energy to penetrate through the mineral buildup which means more energy (often a whopping 30 percent) and more water used in the heating process.
Is hard water costing you big time?  If any of the statements below describe your home, chances are you have a hard water problem:
  • Dishes come out of the dishwasher with spots on them;
  • Water heaters and other hot water appliances need frequent repairs;
  • There is mineral buildup on your faucets, showerheads, and bathtub;
  • Water pressure is decreasing through your showerheads and faucets.
Traditionally, homeowners fought these problems with salt or chemical based water softeners that are costly and required expensive installation and maintenance. Many of these solutions are harmful to the environment and are being banned in many communities, leaving homeowners searching for alternatives.
The good news today is the development of new affordable solutions and technologies that make it easy and worthwhile to get rid of the hard water scourge.
One company in particular has introduced a remarkable device that eliminates limescale buildup throughout your entire home. It’s called HydroCare from WAVE Home Solutions.  It’s an environmentally-friendly, maintenance-free technology that saves homeowners an average of $1,200 every year.
HydroCare uses a non salt, chemical-free approach to prevent minerals from crystallizing inside your pipes and heating coils.  It transmits a specially designed electric field to help the calcium and magnesium minerals to form crystals and stay suspended in water rather than on pipes and appliances. 
You simply clip the compact HydroCare unit to the pipe of your water heater, and then plug it into an outlet. It begins working right away, transmitting a patented signal into your entire water system. The signal is continuously transmitting and operating preventing minerals from depositing on the inside of your pipes.  It also dissolves existing buildup of lime scale and treats the water throughout your entire house. It's safe, harmless, maintenance-free, and it’s guaranteed.
It’s also incredibly cost effective, so it pays for itself in a short amount of time through energy savings, water conservation, and extended appliance life.
The company also offers a unique, one year performance guarantee on all HydroCare units. If, after one year of installation, you are not satisfied with the effectiveness and benefits of your HydroCare unit, they will refund you the price of the unit.
So, while increasing energy bills are a problem for everyone, new technologies like this are allowing a growing number of Americans to stop paying significant hidden costs from hard water in their homes.
Sorce:  howlifeworks

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