20 Interesting Facts about Snakes

  • There are around 3000 snake species in the world, and about 375 of these are venomous.
  • Snake venom is a complex mixture of proteins that, once unleashed, rapidly spreads through the victim’s body. Neurotoxic venom, which destroys the nervous system, is the variety that kills quickest.
  • Anaconda can grow up to 38 feet in length, the brahminy blind snake is just 2 inches long, making it the smallest snake.
  • Snakes have two long lungs, a long liver, kidneys and intestines. The last quarter of the snake has a small anal opening covered by a scale called the anal plate, and the rest is tail made up of more bone.
  • The paradise tree-snake of South-east Asia can ‘fly’ through the air by flattening its body into an s-shaped ribbon.
  • Snakes have more than 200 teeth, which they do not use to chew, since they point backwards, but bite and grip their prey securely.
  • Most toxic snake of all is the Inland Taipan of Australia. It could kill 100 people with a single bite.
  • The venom of the king cobra, the world’s largest poisonous snake, is strong enough to kill an elephant.
  • A snake does not look after its eggs or take care of the young ones but leaves the eggs to be hatched on their own. The young snakes therefore have special teeth to break open the eggs and come out.
  • Most snake species lay eggs, but some species give birth to live young. Snakes lay their eggs in a warm location. With the exception of some python species, eggs and young are not cared for by the male or female.
  • Snakes do not chew their food and have a very flexible lower jaw allowing them to open their mouths wide enough to swallow their prey whole, even if it is larger in diameter than the snake itself.
  • A snake’s heart can slide 1 to 1 1/2 times its length from its normal position, to allow the passage of swallowed prey. This is because of the relative mobility of the pericardial sac, which surrounds the heart.
  • Snakes move by relaxing and contracting muscles lengthwise along the body. Sidewinding is a specialized form of motion that allows a snake to travel with speed and relatively little expenditure of energy along loose desert sand. The snake lifts a loop of its body from the surface, using its head and tail. The loop is moved sideways and then back to the ground. This creates the typical series of unconnected parallel tracks.
  • Snakes have no eyelids.Instead of eyelids, snakes have a transparent scale protecting their eye.
  • I like snake, they often let me feel exciting. However, I am also afraid of it.
  • Ahmed El-Shourbasi
    What amazing information are these !!
  • anonymous
    they can hear and see what your visually thinking

    the reason alot of asians have completely expressionless faces, only associate with asians and dont associate with non asians very much, and are very unfriendly in general is to avoid accidentally revealing that they can read minds, if all over a billion asians were to show facial expressions all the time just as much as non asians, associate with non asians much more, and be much more friendly and talkative, then alot of them might accidentally reveal that they can read minds by accidentally showing a facial expression or dirty look when someone thinks, or visually pictures something in their mind they dont like or find astonishing or funny because those people might see that and really wonder what that was that just happened there and see the connection, and if they were all to associate with non asians alot more there would be alot more people around for them to accidentally show facial expressions when those other people think things they dont like etc, so they only associate with asians so there wont be anyone around for them to see that and have any accidents happen in the first place

    think about it, its not normal how alot of them act, and the entire way they act is all to hide their mind reading abilities, it makes perfect sense to do all of that to hide that they can read minds, because all of that is the perfect way to do it!
    every single asian on the planet is hiding their mind reading abilities, they will lie about having mind reading abilities forever!!!
    because they value hiding their mind reading abilities more then their own lives!
    thats why nobody knows about it!

    try thinking, best yet visually picturing in your mind something something absolutely crazy as you possibly can when you are around asians, and try looking for asians who give people particular looks, especially dirty looks for what appears to be for completely no reason, that is them giving people looks when they hear and visually see someone thinking something they dont like, find funny or astonishing
    it still happens despite a large number of them having completely expressionless faces all the time, it would just happen alot more if none of them had completely expressionless faces all the time, its not uncommon!

    i know this sounds crazy, impossible, and completely unbelievable, BUT IT ISNT CRAZY WHEN ITS TRUE

    the reason you think this truly is crazy, impossible and unbelieveable is because our society has propagandized people into believing that nothing extra ordinary is real and that is really is impossible, and that its crazy to think that its true that people can read minds, all just to cover up that asians can read minds! who says that cant exist? the people who have mind reading abilities who are trying to cover it up!

    you all have to spread the message!!!!! 
    the world has to know about this!!!!!
  • Scarlett
    you know i think asians can read minds! so many times I have seen asians look at me in very particular ways rutty when think something! It has happened for such a long time ihave noticed it since i was a very young child. it happens enough that I know its not coincidental!

    hear is a perfect example that proves what I'm saying. i was waiting at a bus stop, there was an asian woman waiting there also. that Asian woman just had this blank look on her face like she was dead with her eyes open, just like you mention about a lot of Asians having expressionless faces, I have noticed that a lot throughout my life also and i have always thought it was very strange! so when i saw that I thought to myself . . . . "what the fuck why does she have that dead look on her face she looks like she's dead with her eyes open! really! there's obviously something wrong with her head you can't get any more strange!" . . . . not showing indication i was even thinking about her, since i also wasnt looking at her! and I saw her shoot me this angry insulted look and she looked at me like that for a few seconds right when i thought that!!! until i turned my head and got a full glimpse of her looking at me like that and as soon a she saw me catch her looking at me angrily her face froze and she turned her head away as fast as possible! so then i said to her vey surprised by it why the hell were you just staring at me Ike that?? she said back to me that she didn't know what i was talking about and it couldn't have been more obvious that she was lying by the anxiousness in her voice! there was a guy waiting at the bus stop also and said to her that he saw her give me that angry nasty look and asked her why she denied it! her response couldn't prove any more that she was a fucking liar. She said to him very nervously "uhhh 'pause' I don't know what your talking about" she looked really nervous as hell! that just proves that was really what I saw and what happened!

    that is not the only time something like that have happened, tints like that have happened quite a few times! is not the only time something like that has happened! it is all so scary!
  • You racist
    You're a fucking nut job honestly.
    Sorce : blindloop

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