Let’s start with the fact that the Devils Tower or Devil’s Tower –
not only the name of this rock. With its other name is connected one of
the Indian legend of the seven local girls who were walking in the woods
when they threw a huge and ferocious bear. Girls long fled from the
infuriated animal, but the bear would not leave. In desperation, the
children climbed on a simple stone and prayed for the salvation of the
Great Spirit.
According to the legend: Spirit heard of innocent girls in trouble,
and a stone suddenly began to grow, so the girls began to gradually
rise above the angry beast. In a rage, the bear could not stop and tried
to climb the cliff, but he has failed, and on the rock for ever traces
its huge claws. In this case, the mountain continued to grow upward,
until the girls could not go to heaven, which evolved in the Pleiades
stars. This and one of the Indian mythical name of the mountain – Mato
Tipila (Bear’s lair). According to another Indian legend, the rock was
created evil demon, who beat her at the top of the drum, the thunder and
lightning erupting. Some Indians believed it was in the dark essence of
the mountain and called it the Tower of bad god, and therefore
preferred not to settle nearby, and if possible not to approach her.
This name became the foundation of modern official name of the rock,
which has been honored by researcher Richard Dodge back in 1875.
Due to unfavorable conditions for climbers climbing for fun
conquered this peak only twice: a local resident in the XIX century and
the climber Jack Dyurrans in 1938. Plane to get to the summit can not,
and helicopters literally blows away with the small area continuing a
strong wind at the top, so that the tower actually was considered almost
In the 20 th century to replace the mystical theories of origin of
the rocks came sci-if. Thus, according to one version, the top Deyvlz
Tower is a site for UFO landings. And not without reason, as on a cliff
repeatedly noticed a strange light phenomena, and in its vicinity
unidentified flying objects. This version was so popular that even
embodied in the famous movie by Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of
the third degree.”
An experienced skydiver, George Hopkins, did not appreciate the
danger, hoping to become the third conqueror of the summit. A landing by
parachute went well, but all of rope, which dropped him from flying
from the impact of rock fell into disrepair. Parachutist became a
prisoner rocks. The news of this spread through all of America. Crowds
of tourists and onlookers surrounded the tower and captive-TV star
sprinkled jokes in live radio. Everyone liked the joke, that it lacks
only Eve, to, happen down there, the flood, give rise to a new branch of
humanity. Soon, dozens of aircraft circling in the air, kicking off at
Hopkins free food and equipment provided by manufacturing companies for
promotional purposes. Charter dodge falling objects, a paratrooper on
the radio begged to stop the bombing, especially since most of the items
still flew away into the abyss.
Despite the abundance of food, the forces quickly left the
prisoner. To his horror, found that impregnable smooth granite rock is
inhabited by rats, who each night were becoming bolder. A specially
designed Rescue Committee Hopkins called for a rescue operation
experienced climber Ernst Field and his partner Gorrell of Colorado. But
the climbers after an hour of visual reconnaissance and 3 hours
recovery were forced to turn back and abandon further attempts. Field
admitted: “We have this damn lump is too tough!”
It seemed incredible – professionals to conquer the peak height of
more than 8000 m, but were powerless over 390 meters tall! Committee
through the press began to search AD Dyurransa, and only a day later he
was found on the east coast at Dartmouth. In another day he arrived and
began preparing for the ascent to the old, known only to him the route.
Noon assault began, and although the top was shrouded in mist, mountain
climbers, led by Dyurransa reached the top and on the climbing cradle
lowered down exhausted paratrooper. In total, Hopkins remained captive
Towers about a week.
In 1906, by order of President Theodore Roosevelt, the area around
Devils Tower became the first National Park, USA, and the rock itself
was declared a national monument. Annually visit the tower several
hundred thousand travelers, with only a few thousand decided to climb on
top of unusual rock.
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