Most Dangerous Animals in the World.

Catastrophic accidents caused by animals are identified every year. Animals are blessed with weapons by nature that in some circumstances turned into a serious threat for human life. These tricks and tactics of defense help animals a lot in their survival on this planet. The list of most dangerous and lethal animals is compiled on the basis of
statistics of their deadly attacks not only on other animals but also on human beings which caused casualties and took away life of many people.

Poison dart frog

Weapon: Poison
This unique breed of frog lives in central and south America. This specie belongs to Dendrobatidae family of frogs. The size of the frog may vary from 1.5 centimeters to 6 centimeters. Their colorful skin is very appealing yet venomous too. It contains lipophilic alkaloid toxin. They smartly attract their prey by using their colorful body. The beautiful and vivid remains of the dart frog contain poison which is enough to kill 10 people in one instance. However, there are some animals that are immune to their toxin. There are almost 100 species of dart frog all over the world which can be found in different locations like Colombia and Brazil.


Weapon: Trunk, Legs and Weight
This is the largest mammal on land which lives in the bushes and forests of Africa and also found in some parts of Asia. Elephants are famous for their friendly outlook and memory. The Rage in elephants rises once in a blue moon but it is really grave.  Despite of their gentle gestures, they can behave like any other deadliest animals. They do not give any clue before their attack. Their legs, weight and trunk are their weapons by which they can crush animals, even the rhinoceros. Elephant’s potential attacks on villagers and tourists are observed every year.  The after effects of their rage have no explanation that is why they are among the top most deadly creatures of the world.

Cape buffalos

Weapon: Sharp horns, Unity and aggression 
Cape buffalos are resident of Africa and belong to the African bovine family of buffalos. They have unpredictable nature and are highly dangerous for human being. Cape buffalos are very robust and their weight varies from 500 to 900 kilograms. They tend to live in herds. They fight against predators in the form of mob. They can defeat lions and crocodiles when get viciously tempered. They have very sharp horns to kill their foe. They are potentially dangerous for human beings.

 Saltwater crocodile

Weapon: Tail, Jaw and Speed
This is the oldest reptile which can be found in Asia, Africa and Australia. They live in salt water rivers and lakes and therefore they are called saltwater crocodile. Their size ranges from 5 to 20 feet. This is one of the most dangerous animals of the planet. The crocodiles are famous for their cunning and deceiving attitude. They ditch their prey silently. Their tough jaw and speed can squeeze bones, which they use as weapons in attack.  As much as 600 to 800 victims are identified every year.
 Great white shark
Weapon: Teeth
This is one of the enormous animals that lives under sea and belongs to the shark family. They are blessed with the sense of feeling blood under water which is armor for them beside their deadly teeth. The blood smell makes them excited. In the state of exhilaration, they eat everything that comes in their way. They never attack human being in order to take revenge as it is shown in most of the movies but they can be very dangerous when they are excited. About 100 of deaths caused by white sharks are reported every year.


Weapon: Jaw
Hippopotamus have giant body structure and mostly found in Africa. They are also known as river horse because of their ability to move with a speed of 8 km/hour in water. This animal is herbivorous but fatal in antagonism. It is reported that they have been found eating meat several time in distinct circumstances.  They are ruthless amphibian as they live in water and land both. They show anger when other animals come in their region. The hippos can open their mouth up to four feet which can act like a tack hammer. Its sledgehammer mouth causes 100 to 150 casualties every year.

 African lion

Weapon: Sharp Claws, Teeth and Speed
The king of the jungle has secured fourth position in the list of most dangerous animals. This animal belongs to the Felidae family of big cats. They are the laziest beast and rest for 20 hours a day. They are one of the largest living cats. They exist in sub Saharan Africa and some parts of Asia. They have outrageous speed, razor sharp claws and teeth to attack their prey and slice them into parts. They stalk their prey before attacking them and hunt in groups. They cause as much as 800 fatalities every year.


Weapon: Sharp Edged Teeth
Piranha is a fish that belongs to the family of Characidae. This is a fresh water omnivorous fish that is an inhabitant of South African rivers. Their sharp teeth help them in fulfilling their ravenous desire of meat. Red bellied piranha is the most dangerous of all. It is assumed that they can dilacerate the flash of human body within a blink of an eye. They are also attracted towards blood just like their fellow creature white shark. According to the recent research their attacks on human beings are not very frequent.  Nevertheless it is very dangerous fish and hence came at number three in the list of most dangerous animals.

 Box jelly fish

Weapon: Poison
Box or square jelly fish look interesting but are very venomous water being.  They are known for their potential venom. Some of their species have stings which is very harmful for human being. Sea wasp is another name that is given to its specie Chironex fleckeri which is most poisonous in its class. They are also called the most venomous creatures in the world. They have almost 60 tentacles which can be as long as 15 feet and contain toxin which is enough to kill 50 people. It is reported that they have taken away the lives of 5,567 people since 1884.

 Fierce snake

Weapon: Poison
Fierce snake which is famous as inland taipan has taken 1st position. It is Australian native and belongs to the Elapidae family. Apart from the fact that it is the most toxin animal, it is very shy and escapes swiftly from trouble. Its length ranges between 1.8 meters to 2.5 meters approximately. It has a quality of changing color according to the season. Its color is found to be darker in winter and lighter in summer due to thermoregulation. It has enough amount of toxin which can cause death of 100 people in one go. It causes 50,000 to 125,000 casualties every year. This the highest rate of fatalities caused by any animal on the planet.

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