Become mother 10 years child in Spain

Become mother 10 years child in SpainA baby 10 years-old became mother in southern Spain.A Romanian delivered a daughter in the city Jeresa de la Phranatera last week.State Social minister Mikaila Nabharo of Endalusiya said, we think to take in custody to baby and her mother.
 But if the family of this baby will agree to take care of them then they will stay with thier family.
Spain meadia says, new born baby’s father is 13 years
old.He lives in Romania.Three weeks ago mother of this baby imigration to spain with her family.
Grand mother of new born baby said, both are fine. She so happy for born new baby.She add, so youger get marid in ROmania.In the year of 2008 in Spain 177 girl age below 15 was deliver.

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