How to Keep Your Skin Beautiful All Day Everyday

Having beautiful skin all day every day is something that takes discipline. You cannot achieve beautiful, lasting results if you don't create a routine that you stick with. Some people are blessed with gorgeous skin and small pores but others have to work to maintain their
glowing skin. If you wish to transform your skin and maintain its youthful appearance, you will have to put in the time and work to make it happen. Once you have your routine down, it is easy to maintain. However, you will have to first find out what works for your skin.
There are three different types of skin. There is dry, oily, and combination skin. It is important that you identify your skin type prior to purchasing products, so that you can properly attend to your skin's needs. If you have dry skin, you will want to use a moisturizer to keep it from drying out. There are other products you can use to maintain your skin's moisture levels. A great product is Boots No7 Intensive Moisture Mask, available at Target for 19.99. It can be used as a nightly mask if applied in a thin layer or it can be used as a 10 minute intensive treatment if applied in a thick layer. It isn't a heavy formula, so it won't leave your skin feeling clogged or weighed down. It helps to create a natural glow to the skin by replenishing its moisture levels.
For individuals with oily skin, you can actually create a beautiful complexion with ingredients you probably have in your kitchen cabinets. Follow this treatment and you are sure to have amazing results. Washing your face with harsh chemicals that say they deal with oily skin, may actually make the problem worse. Here's the reason; when skin is stripped of its natural oils and becomes dehydrated, it goes into overtime to compensate for the loss. Thus, the problem becomes worse. To keep skin clean without making matters worse, whip an egg white until it becomes soft foam and then apply to your face. Leave it on until it dries and then wash with warm water. To stop bacteria, apply a honey mask. Honey is one of the only substances that never grows old or goes bad. Bacteria cannot grow on it. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash with very warm water to help remove it easily. For the treatment, use every day for a week, then every second day for the second week, then every third day for the third week, then every fourth day for the fourth week. After the fourth week, apply once a week. After using either of these masks, it is important to apply a really good moisturizer.
For combination skin, things get tricky. You can't use harsh chemicals because some areas will become dry while others will become oily. Instead, you will have to purchase products that will help all areas of your face. The T-Zone of your face will become oily throughout the day. These areas should be washed twice a day while the rest of your face is covered with an intensive moisturizer. It is best to practice trial and error when trying to figure out what products work best.
In order to maintain beautiful skin, not only do you have to take care of your skin from the outside but you need to take care of it from the inside. It is essential that you have a proper diet. A well balanced diet will give you glowing skin. On top of eating properly, vitamins A, C, E and other minerals will keep your skin looking brand new. If you don't get enough of these vitamins through your diet, then take a multivitamin. These vitamins and minerals are absolutely essential to gorgeous skin.
Foods that are filled with water, such as watermelon and celery, keep the skin nourished and make it less likely for wrinkles to form. Make sure you drink the daily recommended amount of water as well. If your body is dehydrated then your skin will begin to show it.
With the proper beauty regime, you can not only obtain beautiful skin but you can maintain it as well. All it takes is a little bit of research and trial and error. Always apply sunscreen when going outdoors and stay away from tanning beds. Slight sun exposure is fine, as it helps to produce Vitamin D, but sun exposure will haunt you down the road.

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