Top 10 Great Activities For A Long And Healthy Life !

Gardening :
How do you feel if you are in a garden?  Gardening is perhaps one of the most invigorating activities that you could do.  Plants make one feel refreshed with a spice of happiness that nothing could equal.  Imagine yourself in a garden with all the flowers blooming, isn’t it heavenly to experience the feeling?  Gardening is therapeutic.  The plants have natural scents that makes one feel relaxed and alive.Your garden is the best place to relax during weekends.  You can ask
the help of your kids.  This is a very good activity for family bonding too.  Before going to work, you can always walk through your garden just to have a smell of the flowers and to look at the plants.  This will help you relax and get rid of that stress you are feeling.

Cooking :
Cooking is a very good activity especially to people who are health conscious.  In this modern lifestyle where there are lots of junk foods around, it is better to cook your daily meals rather than buying them outside.  There are simple dishes that are very easy to prepare and yet very nutritious.  The food that you cook is the best food that you should eat.  If you enjoy cooking this is a very good exercise for you and at the same time you are sure that you are eating the right kind of food.
Picture Taking :
Many people like pictures and many people like to take pictures.  Picture taking is one of the best hobbies that one could have.  Aside from being a very enjoyable activity, it also stimulates the mind and makes one more creative.  Picture taking is full of fun and very fulfilling especially if you know how and what pictures to take. 
If you look around, there are countless things that you could take pictures of.  Picture taking is not just a hobby it could also earn you money in the long run.  And the best benefit that it could give you is a healthier life.
Writing :
If you write, you can express your emotions.  You don’t have to be a writer to be able to write something.  You can write to express your feelings.  You can write if you are angry.  Instead of shouting at your partner, get a pen and paper and write down how you feel.  That is one way of avoiding a quarrel.  If you feel lonely or you have a problem, try writing them on a piece of paper.  You can tear the paper later on.  You just have to bring out that feeling in order to feel better.  If you prefer a computer to write on, that’s better because it is very easy to delete what you wrote.
Writing is a very good way to entertain oneself and to express the feeling that is often bottled inside you.  Writing is not hard to do.  Just write about anything.  A good way to write is to write short love notes to your partner or a sorry note if you failed to do something for him that you promised.
Reading :
Reading widens your understanding of things around you.  Regular reading makes the mind and body healthy because it entertains you and makes you away from your real world for a while.  If you have been busy working from morning till night, reading could be a good relaxation when you go home.  Reading before sleeping is a good and healthy activity for the mind and the body.
Doing household chores :
One of the best and most natural ways to exercise is doing household chores.  It is free and it is the best exercise for you in order to lose those unwanted fats.  Household chores need not be a hard work.  In order to make it easier and lighter for you, try to enjoy it.  The best way to enjoy doing something is to love what you are doing and make it a daily part of your life.  Don’t do all the household chores in one day.  Do it regularly so that it will be easier for you.
Walking or jogging with your pet :
Walking and jogging are both very good exercises for a healthy body but without someone with you, you can get bored easily.  Why not bring your pet with you?  Your pet will keep you company and you will feel happier with your pet walking or jogging with you.  Aside from having an exercise you are also enjoying the activity with your pet.
Playing with your kids :
There is no better way to enjoy life and make it healthier than playing with your kids.  Kids are what make the family happy.  Playing with them is a very healthy exercise and one way of enjoying life.  There are lots of fun activities that you could do with your kids and share laughter and happiness together.  Playing with your kids will also keep the bond between you stronger.  If you are happy with your kids that will add years to your life and it will also make you enjoy life.    
Joining activities in your neighborhood :
One of the best ways to enjoy life and make life healthier is to have friends and share activities with them.  Your neighborhood is your community whom you should share activities with for the betterment of your place.  There are social activities in each community we belong too.  There is a clean up drive, social services project like helping those who are in need and there are free health services where you could participate.  Helping and reaching out to others makes one happier.
Joining hobbyists :
Hobbyists are people who engage in activities that they enjoy and love doing.  There are all kinds of hobbies today and many people are trying to find ways to get out from their hectic life through different hobbies.  If you have a hobby, you will feel better because you love what you are doing and at the same time you can meet many friends.
People need a break from their busy life from time to time.  It is not bad to work hard but it is one thing to enjoy life and be healthy.  Why will one work so hard and not enjoy life?  The reason why we work hard is to be able to attain our dreams in life and be able to enjoy life.  If we do it excessively we might not be able to enjoy what we have worked for.

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