Penis tattoo gets a makeover

A MAN is enduring a series of painful sessions to cover up a lewd image tattooed on his back by a backyard operator.
Matthew Francis Brady, 22, has admitted tattooing a 40cm-long image of a penis and a crude slogan on his former mate's back.
The victim had wanted a Yin and Yang design
with some dragons but was horrified with the end result.
Upon hearing about the case, Ipswich business Ultimate Image Tattoo offered to do the cover-up work for free.
The 26-year-old victim this week had his third appointment in a long series of visits to hide the offensive tattoo.
The man was still bitter about the prank this week but was relieved the cover-up art would help him move on with his life.
He said the new design was "really cool".
The Queensland Times has agreed to not reveal the identity of the victim.
Owner Janelle Roberts said she was sick of amateurs buying tattoo kits from the internet and she was happy to help the man hide the roughly-drawn design.
"I just felt the wrong thing was done," Mrs Roberts said.
"They approached us to get pricing on how much a cover or lasering it off would cost - we just put out the offer that we're more than happy to help out."
Mrs Roberts said there needed to be more regulations in Australia to stop backyard operators from buying tattoo equipment online.
She said amateurs would not know about proper hygiene and sterilisation methods and could spread diseases such as Hepatitis - as well as potentially leaving their "customers" with a second-rate permanent image.
"If your mate's doing it he's not your mate," she said.
Brady pleading guilty in Ipswich Magistrates Court last month to assault occasioning bodily harm while armed and assault occasioning bodily harm.
He will be sentenced later this year.
After several more sessions the man will be able to proudly display a much more professional tattoo of a sword with a dragon wrapped around it.
The sessions last for up to an hour - or however long the man can stand the pain.
Tattoo artist Matty Tredgold said the final work would include a range of colours from blue, green, yellow and red and was inspired by one of the client's favourite T-shirts.
Sorce : qt

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